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A few guidelines to keep in mind,

It is important to American Christian Tours that we have a safe tour and that the tour is able to run smoothly.  We want you to remember that you represent the name of Jesus Christ, your family, school, and youth in general.  You also represent American Christian Tours.  To help us all represent well and have a safe, fun time, we have some guidelines to follow.  These guidelines should make sense to you, but it is good to address them prior to the program.

American Christian Tours® and/or the organizer of this program reserves the right to send home any participant, at their expense, whose behavior interferes with the enjoyment or safety of the other participants or who violates stated guidelines or rules.  These guidelines are made available during the registration process. Not following these guidelines could result in being sent home from the educational program:


  • Students must always stay with the group. Usually you will be assigned to a group of students who are connected with an adult chaperone.  At many attractions, groups are given time to explore.  However, if you are found wandering away from the group or your group leaves you, ACTS will be very concerned.  It is important to your safety and well-being that you remain with your assigned group. Your trip organizer (usually your teacher) and your ACTS Education Program Leader (EPL) will assess the situation.  Each situation will be handled individually but could be grounds for dismal from the tour.

  • There is an evening curfew established for the security of our program participants.  The Education Program Leader and your trip organizer will establish the curfew times, which extend from a time at night until a time in the morning.  During this time you must remain in your room, unless you have permission from your trip organizer.  ACTS provides through the night hall security to monitor our hotel floors.

  • Students of the opposite sex are not permitted in other rooms, unless accompanied by the trip organizer or approved chaperones.

  • Possession and/or use of tobacco, alcohol or illegal and non-prescribed drugs by a student is grounds for immediate dismissal from the tour at participant's expense.

  • Any illegal or dangerous activities are not tolerated on ACTS' Education Tour Programs and are subject to local law enforcement prosecution as well as immediate dismissal from the tour at participant's expense.

  • ACTS does not tolerate sexual activity between students.

  • Any incidental charges (phone calls, etc.) that a participant incurs at hotels is their responsibility and should be paid the evening before checking out of that hotel.

  • Any damage to a hotel room or equipment in the hotel room or damage to motorcoaches is the reponsibility of the participants.  If you notice damage to a room or the motorcoach please notify your ACTS EPL or trip organizer immediately!

  • No clothing showing, referring to, stating, or implying anything to do with alcohol, drugs, profanity, or sex is allowed.  No clothing referring to or picturing any musical group or individual is allowed.  Very baggy clothing or revealing clothing is not allowed.   Finally, any clothing thought objectionable by the trip organizer or your ACTS EPL will not be allowed.

  • Further guidelines are given on the first day of each tour and as needed. 

  • Any rule that would apply at the participant’s school is automatically included within the understood guidelines and rules of the tour.

© 2025 by American Christian Tours. 

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